Compliance Advice

The Australian Government Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns (Guidelines) outline the requirements for review and certification of campaigns.

For advertising campaigns of $250,000 or more, the Accountable Authority will certify that the campaign complies with the Guidelines and relevant Government policies.

For advertising campaigns of $250,000 or more, the Independent Communications Committee (ICC) considers a proposed campaign and provides advice to the Chief Executive on compliance with Principles 1-4 of the Australian Government Guidelines on Information and Advertising Campaigns by non-corporate Commonwealth entities.

The ICC consists of a Chair and two Members, appointed from July 2023 by the Australian Government:

Ms Meredith Fairweather (Chair), Mr Adam Davey and Ms Allyson Warrington.

Campaign Advertising Compliance Advice

The ICC's advice to agency Chief Executives for campaigns that have launched are listed below.

Austrade - Go Global Toolkit - November 2024

Government Advertising Compliance Advice

Compliance Advice from May 2018 and older

Government Advertising Compliance Advice Archived